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Re: Librarians, was RE: [SG] HAMR

From: Ground Zero Games <jon@g...>
Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2002 19:50:52 +0000
Subject: Re: Librarians, was RE: [SG] HAMR

>At 08:43 PM 3/18/02 +1100, you wrote:
>>From: "John Crimmins" <>
>>> (Today's Gem:
>>> PARENT: My child has to do a report on a famous African-American,
and her
>>> teacher it is: Marie Curie.
>>Oh My Sainted Aunt.
>>That's one of the scariest things I've seen on this group for a long
>>Poor kid. I hope the parent made a formal complaint... or at least had
>>little talk with the teacher. It may have been a mis-communication. I
>As do I.  It's happened before.  Teacher to child to parent -- there's
>bound to be miscommunication.
>>> Get up, time to go.  Hey, look!  A bag full of white powder.  Great,
>>> call the cops...."
>>> (It happened.  As soon as they heard "white powder" 911 connected me
>>> fire department, but it turned out to be a bag full of drugs, just
as I'd
>>> suspected.	Coke or heroin; I don't know which.)
>>...and that's another of the scariest things. You mean the
>>bit in the US isn't just media hype or confined to s very small
>I work in a public library -- schools are at least a little better.  We
>recieve a few phone calls the next week from a fellow who had lost his
>"dietary supplement" in the library.
>>The final scariest thing is that your emergency services immediately
>>a biowar attack rather than drugs. O Tempora, O Mores!
>This was back in December, when 911 was getting calls about white
>every five minutes or so.  I hated to participate in the hysteria -- I
>what the reaction was going to be -- but what choice was there?
>But anyway...I'm being all off-topical.  I'm trying to think of
>to bring us back around to SGII, but all I can think of is GW's Space
>Marine Combat Librarians.  I should pick up some just so I can run a
>scenarion about their launching a raid on an enemy stronghold to
>some overdue books....

At Minamicon (UK anime convention that I attended a couple of weeks ago)
saw the first few eps of "Read or Die", a fairly new anime series about
(wait for it) the Covert Special Operations Division of the British
Yes, it is JUST as silly as you'd imagine (probably more so actually) -
Cute Superpowered Girl Librarians rescuing priceless/arcane/dangerous
from the clutches of Evil Master Villains - trust me, you need to see
if only for the wonderful image of the heroine's wall-to-wall (and
floor)book-stuffed apartment in the opening sequence.....  ;-)

Jon (GZG)
>John Crimmins

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