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Re: FT: Streamlining for Sa'Vasku???

From: Charles Taylor <nerik@m...>
Date: Mon, 18 Mar 2002 19:36:09 GMT
Subject: Re: FT: Streamlining for Sa'Vasku???

In message <004701c1cddf$c30880c0$a653bfa8@prostar>
	  "Imre A. Szabo" <> wrote:

> > Hmm.. well, from the top - personally I don't see why you _couldn't_
> > have a atmosphere capable SV ship, at the usual cost (FB1 p.10).
> >
> > Likewise, allowing the use of Drone Wombs to grow either interface
> > landers or drop pods, I'd allow both.
> >
> > Another, additional, possibility, is the use of pod launchers to
> > 'landing pods' complete with 'battle constructs'.
> I'm not too crazy about pod launchers to lanch landing pods.	It would
> every Sa'Vasku ship Heavy Destroyer and larger, capable of landing
> troops.  I was thinking of pod launchers as being useful for orbital
> bombardment, similar to Pulse Torpedoes.
> ias
Probably not that many ground troops, as each 'landing pod' eats 1
biomass - bear in mind that according to More Thrust (page 17):

"Most Naval Starships of Frigate class and larger will carry small
detachments of MARINES;... provide a small strike force when

Ok, a Fo'Vur'Ath _could_ drop most of its biomass as ground troops - but
its going to be more effective to send a larger ship with drone wombs,
and grow interface landers.

As for using Pod Launchers as ortillary, well, there are the 'Hammer'
Pods in the WDA:


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