Re: [ARCHIVES] Overhaul complete
From: Jerry Han <jhan@w...>
Date: Fri, 15 Mar 2002 14:44:27 -0500
Subject: Re: [ARCHIVES] Overhaul complete
Indy wrote:
> I think I came aboard in the latter part of '94. I know I discovered
> FT the summer of '94, and it was some months after that when I learned
> about the list.
When did the FT-GZG list start? Who is the longest continuous surviving
mailing list person? Anybody want to challenge Mark? (8-)
> :-/ I believe I ran my (the?) first PBeM FT in Oct '95 (geez, Jer,
> were at "" back in '96)
Summer 1996 -- I was entering my fourth year of University. 22 years
UUNET Canada was my summer co-op job -- was my desktop
terminal. So young and innocent. (8-)
*** Jerry Han - - ***
"Up, up and away, away from me -- It's alright...
You can all sleep sound tonight, I'm not crazy... or anything..."