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Re: Alien Space/SFBM (was: Stardestroyer stats)

From: Allan Goodall <agoodall@a...>
Date: Tue, 12 Mar 2002 07:57:00 -0600
Subject: Re: Alien Space/SFBM (was: Stardestroyer stats)

On Tue, 12 Mar 2002 11:16:23 +0000 (GMT), Phillip Atcliffe
<> wrote:

>Most people here know of the story of AS and the StarFleet Battle 
>Manual, so I won't repeat it, except to curse yet again the 
>non-appearance of the semi-promised AS minis. I really wanted a couple 
>of sets of those ships...

Well, I haven't heard it! If you feel like repeating it via e-mail, I'd
to hear it.

The miniatures store in Toronto that I haunted had both of these games,
at one
time. They may STILL have them...

And there was a third game using the same big counter idea. It was a WW2
dogfight game. I had it (don't know what happened to it). It was fun,
the same counter style (aircraft in the middle, degrees around the
edge). Of
course, if you got really close with the aircraft you started to get
effects with the counter being bigger than the aircraft it represented.
It was
fun, though, and you got to crawl around on the floor!

Allan Goodall

"At long last, the earthy soil of the typical, 
unimaginable mortician was revealed!" 

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