Re: [DSII]Aerospace firing
From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Mon, 11 Mar 2002 15:16:07 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: [DSII]Aerospace firing
--- Germ <> wrote:
> I'd say no to this one. Areospace movement is very
> different.
> It will always arrive and leave the battlefield in
> the same movement
> turn so effectively your always going to be shifting
> down a die.
> I prefer to have it that areospace weapons are
> designed to operate
> at speed, so wouldn't shift the dice for movement.
I agree fully. The downshift is not mentioned in the
aerospace rules so I wouldn't require it.
> If we are talking VTOL then yes I would shift down a
> die for more
> than half move.
Without a doubt.
> I don't have a problem with this one.
> If your worried about line of sight i.e. how would
> the aerospace unit know
> they were there? Then just apply a little house rule
> like an areospace
> target
> must be visible to a friendly ground based unit in
> order for it to be
> attacked.
> You could go another step and treat areospace units
> in the same way as
> artillery.
> Needing spotters etc...
I'd have a problem with that approach. Spotters are
needed for precision guided munitions, but UAVs
(abstracted off the DSII table) and other means of
recon are used to target air strikes. To include
sending aircraft to patrol a certain area and shoot up
anything he sees. And while the spotter may be
screaming at the pilot about the tank on the hill, if
he can see 20 tanks bunched up on the other side of
the hill, I know which target I'd go after if I were
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