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Re: [OT]Nukes... tunnels.... boom....

From: "Don M" <dmaddox1@h...>
Date: Sun, 10 Mar 2002 19:01:26 -0600
Subject: Re: [OT]Nukes... tunnels.... boom....

Well  at the risk of failing into the flame trap here, John A . is
responding to
the decided and deeply offensive anti-American themes that pop up from
time to time here.(many doubtless caused by John's ramblings done as
of us who know him personally for shock effect.) It is however natural
one who serves (or in my case had served) his or her country to be
overly loyal..... to the point of partial blindness that is thankfully
with age.
I well say no more on this but will ask the following question of
Politics are not need here, are they?


> I'll bite...

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