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Re: Stargrunt Questions

From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Sun, 10 Mar 2002 14:42:11 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: Stargrunt Questions

--- Scott Case <> wrote:


<P>2. I fired on a squad that had 4 guys- two in good
shape, and two that were casualities... however,&nbsp;
my nephew at that point hadn't used the reorganize
action- so the casulaities were just that (no roll yet
to see if they were wounded or whatever). So when I
fired on them, we considered them to be legitmate
targets too for the resulting 2 additional
casualities... and when we threw to allocated them,
one of the 'down' guys took a second hit- which made
it become a kill... did we do that right&nbsp;as well

Yes.  In fact, if he's still carrying those casualties
around after he reorganizes, then I'd count as
potential casualties next time they get shot at.


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