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RE: [DSII] infantry figures

From: Chen-song Qin <cqin@e...>
Date: Fri, 1 Mar 2002 22:41:32 -0700
Subject: RE: [DSII] infantry figures

umm... good luck :) a brigade of infantry will be in the range of 1000
up to several thousand men, depending on the organisation.  That's a lot
of figures.
The main problem with GHQ figures that you'll find, is that they are too
small.	They are, as far as I could tell, actually in the proper 1/285
scale.	Figures from the other manufacturers that are popular, like the
GZG or G*mes W*rksh*p ones, are much larger than true 1/285.  The GHQ
figures will not fit together with them.  Also, the GHQ figures (at
least the ones I've seen that are cast in large blocks) have very poor
detail and are too thin, so they break/bend very easily.  I'm not sure
if they'll be good for wargaming.  But that's just my opinion.

Increase my killing power, eh?

				 - Homer Simpson

-----Original Message-----
From:	Noel Weer []
Sent:	Friday, March 01, 2002 9:16 PM
To:	Gzg-L@Csua.Berkeley.Edu
Subject:	[DSII] infantry figures

I have been thinking to finish off a brigade of infantry for DSII, but
that amounts to a lot of figures... I have been looking around. I also
the special weapons and officer looking ones. Has anyone used GHQ's
infantry - the single figs - for DS? Do they look too much like they are
from WWII or the current era, rather than the future?

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