Re: FT: Phalons & Ship classes
From: Tony Francis <tony.francis@k...>
Date: Thu, 28 Feb 2002 14:53:44 +0000
Subject: Re: FT: Phalons & Ship classes
You could catch something very nasty from a Phalon 'carrier' ...
Spacially Transmitted Diseases maybe ? And the idea of a Phalon 'cutter'
just brings tears to my eyes.
Sorry, slow day. I'll leave now.
Brian Bilderback wrote:
> I was thinking about something last night. It's often popular in SF
> and games to name spaceship classes after not only modern ship classes
> (Destroyer, cruiser, BB, FF, Corvette, etc. as in the rules), but also
> traditional sailing ship classes. Since this is the case, wouldn't it
> fitting to refer to Phalon scout ships as being of the pinnace class?
> 2B^2
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Tony Francis
Senior Software Engineer
Kuju Entertainment