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Re: Differential GPS

From: Robert Makowsky <rmakowsky@y...>
Date: Thu, 28 Feb 2002 05:15:28 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: Differential GPS

Good Points.  

For me GPS+ILS+Radar(Ground Control and organic to
helo)+Radar Altimeter+LocalKnowledge+Skill+Luck+Prayer
all have so far brought me home.  I will continue to
bet my life on this combination and continue to hope
for improvements in all!

--- Brendan Pratt <> wrote:
> > Interesting stuff.	They are talking about 3-D
> > accuracy to a meter and with a DGPS unit at the
> > airport you are going getting the error to less
> than a
> > centimeter at touchdown.
> probably have mutiple transmitters arrayed around
> the area (on hills and
> towers etc.) - but they still don't land using GPS -
> nor would I want to do
> so with the degree of variability you can get from
> even a DGPS unit from
> second to second - did you know that Europe has
> their own series of GPS
> satellites? EGNOS is due to be online in 2003 and
> promises and accuracy of 9
> metres 95% ofthe time (still want to use this for
> anything precise) - the
> WAAS and EGNOS netorks are good, DGPS helps greatly
> at close range but the
> system become truely cool when you have the latest
> satellite co-ordinates
> and the lag time decryption codes :_)
> > I will be happy to see it as some approaches into
> the
> > fog to get home have been quite dicey.  50 ft
> hover
> > with no ground in site!
> Yup and a ground controller with a bleeding ulcer
> and a substance abuse
> problem telling him to ignore the GPS and follow the
> route on screen - "what
> mountain? don't you trust me? Listen I've been
> doingthis for years? no - I'm
> not bitterand twisted..."
>  Paranoia notwithstanding GPS is cool and make my
> life easier and your life
> safer but practical experience demand we avoid as
> much industry
> "information" as possible - they're not always
> giving us the whole story.
> Brendan

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