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Re: FIRE TEAMS IN SG II -> we ended up without using them...

From: "Claus Paludan" <cpaludan@w...>
Date: Thu, 28 Feb 2002 09:09:01 GMT
Subject: Re: FIRE TEAMS IN SG II -> we ended up without using them...

Tony Francis writes:
> I'm with you now. If I could find my various WW2 army lists, handbooks
> and ToEs I'd help - unfortunately they're all still boxed up somewhere
> in my loft (18 months after we moved house ...). Still, this could be
> good excuse to go up there this weekend and drag them all out.

Om my good - I'll be moving to our new house in a month - I sure hope
my books won't be boxed up for that long :-)) 

If you find som information I'd really appriciate it. Anything that will

bring us closer to the historical facts will help! 

>> >> 3) Radio communication will also be defined both by nation and

> The main stumbling block would be the complete lack of radios - the
> Russians just wouldn't have them at platoon level.

Ahh yes - that is why we will be working on some sort of "runner"
concept - 
they would of course make obvious sniper targets, but hey - it's a

Anyway, we will probably end up with only US forces and maybe Brittish 
forces having radios at platoon hq. All other communication at table
will have to be made by runners or by CO's being in touch with the
troops he 
wants to do something. That will keep the CO's fit as well - LOL! 

With kind regards
Claus Paludan
W-site [privat] : 

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