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Re: Pulsar Nav accuracy

From: Roger Books <books@j...>
Date: Tue, 26 Feb 2002 22:55:37 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: Pulsar Nav accuracy

On 26-Feb-02 at 22:22, John Leary ( wrote:
> Please note that while I agree with all of the points
> you made, I.E. your logic is correct, you would still
> be completely lost in space because you did not have 
> enough information to solve the problem.

Let's see if I can  work my way through this.

1.  I know the absolute locations of 3 pulsars (A B C).

2.  Knowing two (A B) and their angles to my ship I know my
    location on the surface of circle.

3.  Pick another pair (B C).  I get another circle.

4.  Pick the remaining pair (A C).  Yet another circle.

5.  Intersect the three circles.  I now know where I

6.  For safety make it 6 pulsars and find the intersection.

Is this wrong?

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