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Re: [FT] UNSC Mini Assembly

From: Jim Bell <jn.bell@s...>
Date: Thu, 14 Feb 2002 00:34:25 -0500
Subject: Re: [FT] UNSC Mini Assembly

Dean Gundberg wrote:
> I'm starting to look at making my UNSC Fleet table-ready (could I be
> room for a Japanese Fleet now that the rest of the ships are due
> out?......only my wallet knows) but after some test fitting,
everything fits
> OK but the connections are a bit loose.

Getting the Japanese fleet forced the assembly of the IF ships that I
had in

> Since the sections in these ships should all be straight in a line, I
> wondering how others assembled these minis.  Did you pin the sections
> together to keep them straight?  If you didn't pin them, are they
looking a
> bit crooked?	Stuff like that or any other tips anyone has on the
> of these minis.

I think you have to pin the UNSC ships, though I don't know that you
have to go
to the same level that I did in the assembly. I used a single rod
through the
main axis for all the ships larger than DD. Only one of the complete
fleet has
visible problems in the main axis but that was a modified BB which
cargo module. It was difficult and lining all the pieces up was a pain
but I'm
very pleased with the end results.
> Also I'm not thrilled with the command section for the BattleCruiser
but I
> have an extra Battleship (duplicate wing sections so I can't build it)
so I
> was going to use that command section modified a bit for my own BC.

I have to admit that I use the CA front for the Battle Cruiser, as I
thought the
BC command section was out of place within the fleet.

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