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RE: Re: [OFFICIAL] Shipyard Update.......

From: "laserlight@q..." <>
Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2002 09:45:43 -0500
Subject: RE: Re: [OFFICIAL] Shipyard Update.......

JonD said:
>Hey!  Jon [T] is in business too.  I have no idea how his sales are
with regards to the economic conditions in the US or around the world,
but he's got to keep new metal products leaving his shop to keep 
himself fed.

I'll go ahead and put in a word on behalf of the gropos:  He BDS could
BDS put BDS out BDS a BDS new BDS rule BDS set FT3/FB3 too 

>So....  Support the economy!  Buy more ships!	Hire a painter to paint
them for you!

Kevin, point that out to your wife: It's your patriotic duty!!	Don't
let the terrorists win!!  Whip out that Visa and call Jon now!!!!!
(Jon, you *did* buy broadcast time with the Orbital Mind Control Lasers,
didn't you?)

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