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RE: Ship designs

From: "MSN Renegade" <msnrenegade@c...>
Date: Mon, 11 Feb 2002 22:01:27 -0000
Subject: RE: Ship designs

From: ~ On Behalf Of Brian Bilderback
Sent: 11 February 2002 20:43
Subject: FT: Ship designs

> I was considering a new class of ship, the Destroyer
> Escort (DE). It would be in the same mass range as
> the DD or CL, and would sacrifice offensive firepower
> for increased PDS and ADFC capability.  Has anyone
> tried this before, and if so, how well does it work?

Every effort I've tried along these lines has been a
double failure. Leaders for fighter or corvette
formations tend to get smoked, and dedicated ADFC 
boats designed to hang behind capital ships also can't
shoot down enough fighters to be cost-effective.

I came to the conclusion that ADFC was either
overpriced or overmass, but many of my experiments
were with the earlier ADAF system from FT2. Given the
way ADFC works and is priced, it only makes sense to
put it on the largest ships possible.

The above is the personal blah-blah of the author and
does not reflect the opinions of his employers,
legal representatives or pet cat.

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