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[SG] SW Stormtroops

From: "Tomb" <tomb@d...>
Date: Thu, 7 Feb 2002 14:47:42 -0500
Subject: [SG] SW Stormtroops

Armour: D12 vs conventional arms or in HTH, D6 vs lasers or plasma
Weapon: Stormtrooper Blaster( FP 2, IMP D10 )
Motivation: High to Low depending on the situation (pre-crumbling Empire
or post)
Morale: Confident to start
Quality: Regular or Veteran (they are supposed to be elite troops)
Armour penalizes shooting 1 downshift of quality. 
Leadership: 1-3, with 2 being about 80%. Competent leadership is usual
(getting killed is the usual failure reward) so a 3 should be about 5%.
Inspired leadership is rare too, so should be about 15%. (See
Movement: 6"

(This is based off of some stats in the RPG plus my interpretation)

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