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From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Sun, 3 Feb 2002 13:16:05 -0800 (PST)

--- Flak Magnet <> wrote:

> That's funny, most of your posts have had common
> themes also.	Nay-saying any 
> new or different concepts/technology and a general
> closedmindedness being two of 
> the more notable ones.  Somewhere between your
> nay-saying and the fullfillment of 
> every gadget-freak's dreams are where real
> applications of technology really lie. 

Yeah, but if you don't have nay-saying curmudgeons who
keep saying "Sure it looks good in a laboratory, but
will it work in the Real World??" then you end up with
a bunch of weapons programs that start to resemble
Nazi Germany's approach to standardization and
simplification in weaponry.
> They can't test it until it's 
> developed, if nay-sayers like you were in charge of
> weapons system design, 

They'd be stuck actually putting workable proposals on
the table rather than rifle that weigh more than
machine guns.

> Our Navy and Air Force are the most effective in the
> world, due in large part to the 
> technology they put to use.  The Army is
> investigating ways to update itself in that 
> same way... failure to do so and our lower numbers
> will hose us, because it's the 
> tech that will make the difference.  America can't
> survive an attrition war, it has to 
> win another way.  That other way is by applying our
> know-how to kill them better 
> and faster than they kill us.  Technology is part of
> that know-how.

Smarter, tougher troops count for more than
technology.  You see, I'm in 1st BDE 4th ID.  We are
the test-bed brigade for a lot of the
digitization/Force XXI experimental crap.  I havn't
been impressed worth a damn.  I've dealt with FBCB2,
2-squad platoons, et al.  The only idea I've seen that
made sense was the mass use of Hornets.  Other than
that, I'd far rather go back to the way things were in
the early 90s.


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