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Re: [SG] Boarding Party Considerations

From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Sat, 2 Feb 2002 20:10:16 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: [SG] Boarding Party Considerations

--- Laserlight <> wrote:

> Makes sense but it would necessarily have PA weapons

I presume you mean "not necessarily".

> handy.  On the
> other hand, they will probably have high-intensity,
> short-range
> cutting tools.

FP 2, Imp d12*, close range band only?	Counts as
close combat weapon?  Sucks to stand next to them.

> They won't unless they're worried about being
> boarded.  This may vary
> a bit by navy--ESU ships almost certainly don't
> carry armed crew
> (except masters at arms and senior officers),
> whereas AE crew almost
> always have weapons.

NRE not only arms it's sailors with infantry weaponry
(not usually carried, but available in weapons
lockers) and occasionally deploys "Naval Infantry" in
the old British sense (ie: Sailors impersonating
infantry because there aren't enough Marines to
overawe the natives).  But in a space combat action
they'd get in the way--most likely would be pistols

> Bearing in mind that some navies migt start the
> fight dcompressed.

I would.
> depending on how fine your control of the grav is
> and the size of your
> passageways, you can bounce attackers off the
> overhead and deck on
> something like 1/5 second cycle at 6 gees.  Not very
> healthy.

It would have to be pretty fine to even try to
compensate for the vagaries of combat maneuvering.

> Probably 9 time out of 10, the fusion reactor shuts
> down safely.	The
> tenth time, no one knows what happened, "it just
> blew up".

Sounds like decent odds.  


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