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Re: New Wave Reliability; was New Wave...

From: Flak Magnet <flakmagnet72@y...>
Date: 02 Feb 2002 21:25:14 -0500
Subject: Re: New Wave Reliability; was New Wave...

*Holds hand up defensively*  I SAID it was 3rd-hand info.  I cannot
confirm or deny it, as I haven't ordered anything from them.  


On Fri, 2002-02-01 at 11:15, Sean Bayan Schoonmaker wrote:
> On 2/1/02 3:25 AM, "Flak Magnet" <> wrote:
> > I am on a list that discusses the reliability/integrity of miniature
> > dealers. From what I've learned on that list, is of
> > quality.  YMMV, as this is 3rd-hand information, so it's worth
> > approximately what you paid for it.
> I knew this was going to start.
> Here's the scoop on New Wave, from personal experience and other
> non-hysterical testimonials:
> New Wave DOES goof from time to time.
> They are hard to contact in the event of a mistake.
> Their record tends to be very good on common/plentiful items, and a
> more scratchy on rare/fringe stuff.
> Some of the mistakes are user initiated (hitting buttons twice, etc.)
> That said, I personally have never had a problem with them in over a
> dozen orders. However, I tend to order mainstream items and never have
> large, complex orders that might involve a lot of backorders.
> Schoon

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