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From: Ryan Gill <rmgill@m...>
Date: Sat, 2 Feb 2002 12:37:07 -0500

At 8:10 AM -0800 2/2/02, John Atkinson wrote:
>--- Ryan Gill <> wrote:
> > As opposed to a spotter keying in a code and lasing
> > a target.
>Yeah.	If that's all you're doing, it's not hard.
>Remember there's a whole damn MOS revolving around

Compared to a rifleman knowing how to adjust his sights? Waaay back 
in 1889 they were training riflemen to be calm and adjust their 
sights in combat. Or do anything else like clear jams, operate 
complex equipment or properly emplace mines or claymores.

>Or a
> > mortarman adjusting fire in the correct direction in
> > a battle?
>Mortarmen are rarely under fire--and frat happens more
>often than they would like to admit.

But they are rushed sometimes no? Tired after humping the tube, 
baseplate, sight, ammo and radios over a hill to a behind the slope 
firing position. Oh and these guys also get to function as a 
replacement Platoon HQ if things go pear shaped.

>Or a LT > reading his GPS unit,
> > correctly identifying a target and
>LTs can barely find their way around garission, much
>less the field.  Never mind calling for fire.

Train train train. Note there is a Practice round for the 20mm.

>They issue them so they must fit.  I think Don can
>speak to how many weapons get carried around inside a

Would he want to use something smaller? I'll bet he would.

>So what, if FN makes it it must rock?

They might have something. They certainly have been ahead of the 
curve the past 60 years. Before that if you include John Browning's 

Ryan Gill	  |	   |
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