Re: Idiots that run off at the mouth withou actually having a clue.
From: Glenn M Wilson <triphibious@j...>
Date: Fri, 01 Feb 2002 23:53:17 EST
Subject: Re: Idiots that run off at the mouth withou actually having a clue.
Damn, John, there goes the job at Department of Sate I had lined up for
Seriously, You have to try and cut some slack here. A lot of people
an Ex-Zoomie like me) never carried a weapon except the 4 hours on the
firing range and in class (no shit, 4 <deleted> hours, total) the whole
seven years. And I was not unusual in that.
Add in the guys who never had the privilege of serving and you have a
of people who don't understand the 'reality' of this kind of detail.
I would love a PDW that didn't get in my way tracking, moving and
delivering supplies to the line units (scratch most rifles, most
carbines, and some SMG's;) that was light (realatively) and small
(relatively) - scratch the rest of them; and that could kill somebody at
reasonable ranges (at this point all the remaining pistols/revolvers on
my short list drop off and I wonder if I could kill somebody with a
piece of paper...)
I could list several other things I want that are equally fantastic but
1)I'm married and 2)There are ladies on the list. Some decorum is
for at least occasionally. <grin>
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On Fri, 1 Feb 2002 18:58:09 -0800 (PST) John Atkinson
<> writes:
>--- Ryan Gill <> wrote:
>> At 10:51 PM -0500 1/31/02, Glenn M Wilson wrote:
>> >
>> >Three letters:
>> >
>> >PDW - Personal Defense Weapon.
>> I'd rather have a PDW that I could carry around on
>> my every day
>> Military truck drving job rather than leaving my
>> M-16 in my cab.
>If you actually were in the military and actually did
>drive a truck, you'd find yourself about neck deep in
>shit the first time you left your rifle in the cab of
>a truck. The rule is arm's length, and the US Army's
>NCO Corps is pretty good at enforcing this rule. The
>first time you would have gotten the crap smoked out
>of you, you'd start taking that sort of thing
>seriously. The second time you'd be in about the same
>amount of shit, but head first.
>FWIW, I had an M-16A2 in Kosovo that didn't leave my
>side for any reason whatsoever--the only time I broke
>that rule was when I was in the shower, and it leaned
>in the corner of the latrine about 5 feet from me.
>Yeah, it was a pain in the ass. But better that than
>letting some Albanian reject decide he liked it and
>walk off with it. Did I actually fire it? No. Never
>had to--we got enough respect from the locals that we
>only had to threaten a few times. Were there some
>times when I had a round in the chamber and my thumb
>on the safety? Hell yes. And that would not have
>been the time to decide to leave it somewhere
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