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Re: Ordering Mega Fleets?

From: Ground Zero Games <jon@g...>
Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2002 13:08:19 +0000
Subject: Re: Ordering Mega Fleets?

>[Attn: Jon & Paul]
>I figure this answer might benefit others, thus the list as opposed to
>private emails...
>OK, here's my "dilemma:"
>I would like to order the Japanese Fleet and some other stuff...
>I'd like to place the order in plenty of time.
>Is it possible to add this fleet to the list at the GZG order page
>though it won't really be available till later), so I can get the order
>to ship whenever it's ready?

Schoon -

I'd rather not put stuff up on the store before it's ready - there are
many things that can go wrong and delay releases! We do get everything
there as quickly as possible, especially major releases like a new
so you can expect to see the info on the site within a couple of days
maybe even just a few hours!)  of the moulds being made.

If you want to put in a pre-order, then we can handle that - the best
is to use the new "comments" field that Paul's added to the bottom of
online order form; fill the order in as normal for the other stuff you
(the things that are actually in production), then write in the comments
box that you want us to hold the order back till whatever you want is
ready, and tell us what you want to pre-order (eg: a Jap fleet pack, or
of each of all the new Jap ships, or whatever).  Obviously this won't
appear in the calculated order totals, but we'll work this out manually
add it on when everything is done.

Jon (GZG)

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