Re: Interstellar Shipping
From: Roger Books <books@j...>
Date: Fri, 11 Jan 2002 14:21:43 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: Interstellar Shipping
You can't really discuss this without some base information that
doesn't appear in the works of GZG.
For 300MCr I can have a mass 200 cargo ship with 150 mass for
cargo (thrust 1).
This is my fixed cost. What we need to make money with this
ship is the following information:
Crew Costs
Fuel Costs
Maintenance Costs/time
Round trip time
Without this information there is no real point to discussing
wether or not this ship can make its' shareholders a profit.
For instance, if a trip costs .1Mcr for crew for one trip,
and 20MCr for maintenance and fuel. If a trip takes two
weeks our cargo needs to make 21.7Mcr per trip to give our
investors a 5% return on their money.
Where you set these values _and_ how much money you can
make per mass of cargo determines profitability.