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Re: Guerilla wars (or continuance of armed conflict in other ways)

From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Mon, 31 Dec 2001 08:13:03 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: Guerilla wars (or continuance of armed conflict in other ways)

--- Don M <> wrote:
> Now, if the KV have Humanicide in mind, then 
> the UNSC better keep them the heck away from 
> Earth. Failing that, they must write their final
> will 
> and testament.... 

Depends on exactally what the K'V have in mind. 
Dealing with a home planet of a hostile species with a
couple billion inhabitants?  I'd take as a given that
there is no way in Heaven or Hell that I could import
enough troops to supress them.	If the Earth has what,
15 billion inhabitants (I know, I know, but I just
don't see us supporting that many more people with
rational living standards--and most people get violent
when their living standards get too bad.  Which
reduces the population back down to a decent level.)
The K'V will need what, maybe 15 million or so ground
troops?  No WAY you are shipping that many men through

So I'd drop a dino-killer or ten on them--pound the
planet into a lifeless hulk.


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