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Re: Catholics in Space!

From: "Laserlight" <laserlight@q...>
Date: Tue, 25 Dec 2001 12:33:26 -0500
Subject: Re: Catholics in Space!

Glenn said:
> I think about some of my fellow evangelicals and imagine them
> achieving potent political power... shudder.

You could say "I think about some of <insert any group you care to
name> and imagine them..." et cetera.  And it's easy to say "Of course
*I* wouldn't be like that" but most of us haven't been in a position
with those temptations.  We all have heard Lord Acton's quote, but
remember it often goes: "Power corrupts; but absolute power is pretty
neat !"

This is one reason why the GZGverse has no "Good Guys."  Even if you
have a saint in office right now, there's no guarantee that his
successor is going to live up to the same standards.  (The other
reason, of course, is that it gives more reasons for battles).

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