Re: S'V Seekers
From: "Brian Bilderback" <bbilderback@h...>
Date: Fri, 14 Dec 2001 12:15:05 -0800
Subject: Re: S'V Seekers
>From: "Laserlight" <>
>I don't think I could say "missiles should be *less* agile than
>fighters" with a straight face unless you start giving the fighter
>jocks some serious psionic abilities.
How's this for PSB to justify missiles not being able to react as well,
without making the game ShadeJog?: While AI has advanced to the point
allowing for extremely quick analysis and almost instinct-like reaction,
has not been able to replicate Intuition, the capability to make
based on factors outside of the logical parameters of the situation.
Again, the mileage is pesky, I don't yet actually play the game, I was
observing based on the concept in general.
Brian B2
"The Irish are the only race of people on Earth for which psychoanalysis
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- S. Freud
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