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Re: Military Questions

From: Roger Books <books@j...>
Date: Fri, 7 Dec 2001 08:40:12 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: Military Questions

On  7-Dec-01 at 03:10, Thomas Barclay ( wrote:
> Thanks to John A, John R, Glenn, Brian, Don, etc. 
> Some good info there, although I am 
> moderately perplexed by the USN having both 
> Warrants and Petty Officers (I sort of thought 
> the warrant ranks were PO equivalent....).

Not even close.  The ranks go E1-E3 (Varieties of seaman,
yeah yeah, heard all the jokes) E4 PO 3rd class, E5
PO 2nd class, E6 PO 1st class, E7 Chief PO, E8 Senior
Chief PO, E9 Master Chief PO

Then the warrants (Chief Warrant Officer I-III)

Then the zeros (O1 O2 O3 etc)

Technically this make a CWOIII junior to an ensign, but
in reality it doesn't work this way.  I've seen CWO's
in charge of a department on a carrier, never an ensign
or even a JG.

Maybe it isn't quite correct, but I always thought of
Warrant Officers as Chiefs with the authority and 
prestige their seniority and skills deserved since 
most would be chiefs had they stayed enlisted.

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