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RE: Nobility.... or not....

From: Brian Burger <yh728@v...>
Date: Tue, 4 Dec 2001 19:44:37 -0800 (PST)
Subject: RE: Nobility.... or not....

On Tue, 4 Dec 2001, Rick Rutherford wrote:

> Ryan Gill wrote:
> >
> > But it is a Confederation. Not an Empire. Not a Republic. A 
> > confederation is very very loose.
> Interesting... so if there's any modern-day government that the NAC
> resembles, it would be the Australian government -- strong,
> state (provincial?) governments, overseen by a weaker federal
> government?

Sure, Canada is pretty similar. The federal govt. handles foreign
defence, etc, and sets national standards for a number of things; the
provinces do the bulk of the day-to-day governing internally, and all
a certain (fairly low) level of autonomy.

Lots of inter-governmental diplomacy to sort out details (and money...).

In fact, the US states in some ways have even more autonomy right now -
Canadian provinces have no equivilent of the US State National Gaurd,
AFAIK can be given orders by the state's Governor.

Imagine another lay of govt. over the present 'federal' systems, a
shifting of responsibilities around - that would work for the NAC.

Brian - -

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