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RE: Questions before my rules even arrive, was: Needle fleet

From: "Robertson, Brendan" <Brendan.Robertson@d...>
Date: Wed, 5 Dec 2001 09:48:39 +1100
Subject: RE: Questions before my rules even arrive, was: Needle fleet

> I recall that everyone has pointed out how quickly small ships die
> they're sent into the fray.  Has anyone used the tactic of leaving
> quick ships on the outer edge of a battle, equipped with longer ranged

> weapons, to act as snipers while bigger ships slug it out up close? 
> even a plausible conccept within the parameters of FT?  Just curious. 
> don't even know what the weapons available or their capabilities are.
> Brian B2

This actually works very well for Phalons.  The escorts put all the
multi-arc pulsars in -L mode and any single arc in -S mode while the
capitals do the reverse and simple plow through the middle of the enemy
formation, spitting plasmabolts as they go.
It could be made to work for all the other aliens as well, but human
tech isn't really conducive to this type of specialisation as the
are too big for the required range parameters.

Brendan Robertson

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