RE: Lord save us from....
From: Beth.Fulton@c...
Date: Mon, 3 Dec 2001 17:56:56 +1100
Subject: RE: Lord save us from....
G'day Tom,
> BTW, does anyone realize eventually their will be
> a GZG FultonCon in Tasmania - they'll have
> enough gamers they won't even NEED to invite
> anyone from anywhere else.....
Well even if Derek's dad visits that's still only (potentially) 6 of us!
However, Derek is running the GZG bit of Tassie's 2002 Jestercon...
>(And even with all those kids, Beth will still be
>the Queen of the single pip.... apparently
>Kochte's Probability Skew Demon is more of an
>individual curse than a genetic inheritance....
>either that or they inherited their die-luck from
>their dad).
Well if it is inheritable, Mei should be the clincher with regard to
is random or a dominant/recessive gene set-up ;)