Re: World Culture
From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Sat, 1 Dec 2001 09:01:16 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: World Culture
--- wrote:
> John Atkinson schrieb:
> > Oddly enough, American culture is the world
> culture.
> > If we are counting two factors: volume, and
> breadth of
> > distribution.
> Volume as per number of people belonging to it ?
> Chinese, Indian and Latino cultures probably are
> similar if not bigger
> on that count. ;-)
Yes, but if we delete all the illiterates (I don't
count anyone who can't at least read as being much
more than pack animals) then the US is back in the
> And American culture has a talent for absorbing and
> redistributing
> elements of other cultures, whether Pizza, Hamburger
> or Sushi; Manga,
> Musicals or Fairy Tales. Not neccesarily a bad
> thing.
Yes, well it prevents us from getting sort of tunnel
vision that leads to declaring all art other than what
is currently popular with the political elite to be
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