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RE: Low Vs High Tech :was grav

From: Michael Brown <mwbrown@v...>
Date: Tue, 20 Nov 2001 21:39:55 -0800
Subject: RE: Low Vs High Tech :was grav

Actually the TO&E in Space Marines (1st or 2nd Edition) work for SG or
 Terran Union Guard and Star Guard are about the same organizations. 
They are 
just leaner than the NAC or NSL.

Michael Brown

-----Original Message-----
From:	Glenn M Wilson
Sent:	Tuesday, November 20, 2001 6:38 PM
Subject:	Re: Low Vs High Tech :was  grav

My DS2 stuff grew then separated from my Starguard campaign scenario set
up (just was too much work to try and put that and Ratner's Space
into GZG terms.  Oh well, two very fun backgrounds to create scenarios

I design the campaign, the nations, the technology (for DS2) preferred
and other 'style choices' such as twin mounts over single (etc.) then
TO&E for said group, then the vehicles.

My Low Tech (CFE, Basic FCS, Basic GCS, HVC, Some specialist reactive or
ablative armor other wise 'normal', GEV for swampy terrain (most of what
they hold and Tracked for those vehicles too big to go GEV) forces do
a % bonus in points balance compared to the

High Tech (FPG, MDC, GRAV/GEV/FTrk, Superior FCS, Enhanced GCS (not a
preferred technology,)	get a reduction in points for last stage

Generally I like to run the PHR (HVC) versus NPC (GMS) or IJK (HEL)

The NEA (MDC) versus RRR (HKP)

LLP (SLAM) and SAI (DFFG) vary in between the low and high end.

And yes, it's mostly subjective 'scenario design' supplemented by post
stage 1 design "point value" tweaks.

Expect a large, heavily supported force of PHR to be tangling with the
NEA guys.  When I try for balanced scenarios.  Not all scenarios are
balanced though, the victory conditions supply a fair proportion of the
'balance' in High versus Low tech encounters...

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