Re: grav
From: Tony Francis <tony.francis@k...>
Date: Tue, 20 Nov 2001 10:35:59 +0000
Subject: Re: grav
John Crimmins wrote:
> >I never buy anything but Superior, unless the vehicle's main mission
is as
> >an APC or it's main target is infantry, since FCS has no effect on
> >weapons vs. infantry.
> Okay, am I the only person who ever designs sub-optimal units? Not
> everyone is going to have the best available technology and systems to
> with; I work under the assumption that Superior is the cutting-edge
> technology, advanced beyond the average. And even the powers that
> such advanced tech aren't always going to be able to get it to the
> lines right away. I think that it's a safe assumption that some
worlds are
> going to be well behind the technology curve.
No, you're not alone ! I apply this principle to my FT units as well -
not all ships have the optimal number of PDS, in fact my large carriers
are designed on the same minimal armament principle as contemporary US
supercarriers - their job is to haul fighters, not guns. They'll be
surrounded by CEs whose job it is to protect them.
Tony Francis
Senior Software Engineer