RE: To Grav or not to Grav?
From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Sun, 18 Nov 2001 19:22:27 -0800 (PST)
Subject: RE: To Grav or not to Grav?
--- wrote:
> Obviously us marine scientists are superior to you
> softie engineers then...
> ;P
As well as being far better paid. . .
> Submersibles of MBT* size and smaller CRAMMED with
> equipment and stuff are > used on a regular basis
for periods of over 12 hours > at a time when
> investigating deep sea phenomena.... damn good way
> of losing weight fast > though given how much you
perspire when in one!!!
> And yes cramp is one thing > you have to worry
about, so you do a very intensive > "how to get cramp
out of > your legs, back and arms while only moving
about > 10cm" course ;)
Congrats. Now load up that submersible with
everything you need to survive for 2-3 weeks, scads of
ammunition, demolition kit, mines, etc. Then drive it
at 35mph cross-country while loaded down with LBE,
Mask, wearing a Kevlar, and holding a rifle or machine
gun. Then live out of the back of that submersible
with 6 other guys. I doubt the experiences are
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