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Re: [SG] Firing & actions

From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Sat, 17 Nov 2001 18:43:04 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: [SG] Firing & actions

--- Jaime Tiampo <> wrote:

> > down with more weapons.  Switching weapons in a
> > firefight reduces volume of fire, not increases
> it.
> In real life that's correct. 

Games are intended to be a simulation of real life. 
Or in this case, a simulation of an extrapolation of
what real life would be with different technology.

In this particular game > system it gets a
> little arbitrary. I can fire, then move. But if I
> stay I can only fire > once and that second section
of time is wasted. To > me this is one of the
> big problems with SG. Allowing a second weapons
> sytem firing to me > corrects a little of arbitrary

Not entirely true.  You can do plenty with that time. 
My first suggestion would be to go into position.  As
for the arbitary cutoffs, that's good.	Arbitrary
cutoffs are what make a game playable.	Otherwise
you'd actually need 12 years of military experience to
run a platoon in a firefight.  Which would disqualify
all but a handful on this list.  

It's not a literal section of time.  In real
firefights, your guys are not going to sit there and
say, "Hey, it's their turn, we'll just sit here."
> > I can tell you've never fired a weapon.
> No I fire a weapon all the time. I just haven't
> fired a gun.

Eh?  You a bowhunter or something?  'Coz if that's
intended to be a double entendre, you've got it


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