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Re: Powers That Be

From: "Brian Bilderback" <bbilderback@h...>
Date: Thu, 01 Nov 2001 19:18:27 -0800
Subject: Re: Powers That Be

Laserlight wrote:

> > 2. Along the same vein, what is the best way to determine a
>plausible amount
> > of holdings for not-quite-a-real-power (ie, not just 1 colony, but
> > interested in any more than the few they have; no real influence
> > their own space, but capable of bloodying anyone who might try to
>push them
> > around)?
>Kind of a tough order since your specs contradict each other--if
>you're able to bloody anyone who invades you, then you should have
>influence outside your own space.

Let me re-phrase.  Influential, but not A POWER.  Better?

>Or you have no FTL.  However...I'd
>suggest that you have one planet, that will leave out any obligations
>for FT and explaining why one side's ships don't just nuke the other
>side's capital (the reason being, neither side has ships).  Give each
>side a populatioin of, say, 5-10 million and you're set.
>Or make the main colony on the planet someone else's--Indonesian,
>perhaps, or a Hindu group of the ESU--and your guys are just minor
>coloies and are cut off from NAC by hostilities.  No need to terraform
>a new planet, we've got plenty of room right here...

Or I might just revamp my parameters, given my interest in FT.

> > 3. Given the nature of 2 of the 3 cultural groups I plan to make up
> > little entity, I was wondering if there was anyone on the list who,
> > addition to understanding the games and the tuffleyverse, would also
> > understand something about Irish and/or Scottish culture?  (I figure
> > must be someone, given the wide variety of genius on this list)
>Tom Barclay can, when he gets a moment, which will be around
>mid-to-late March.

Cool.  I can wait.

>Meanwhile, please  please please please don't make
>them a NAC breakaway colony.  Anything but that.

That WAS my plan.  Whyfor not?	Is this a touchy subject among the list?
had contemplated making the break PRIOR to the NAC, ie, a break from 
Britain.  But I don't know enough about the history to know if the NAC 
existed pre-space colonization.

I'd rather hear that
>the Good Folk kidnapped 10th century Scots and Irishmen and took them
>to this planet.

A bit futher than even *I* will stretch.  Again, I'll have to see once I

read up on the history.  I'm curious about national vs. splinter group
corporate colonization history.


"The Irish are the only race of people on Earth for which psychoanalysis
of no use."

				 - S. Freud

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