Re: [OT] Die rolling can o' worms Re: WWII DSII
From: "Richard Kirke" <richardkirke@h...>
Date: Sat, 20 Oct 2001 17:57:50 +0000
Subject: Re: [OT] Die rolling can o' worms Re: WWII DSII
Hi Scott,
>Oh, this topic is for me. :-)
Me too!
>The d6 system GW (and many others) uses is my least favorite system for
>the reasons you gave. It was designed to be simple, then they add
>after modifier until it is more complex than the alternatives. To make
>worse, 'some companies' require extra books(aka "codex") or a lifetime
>subscription to their magazine to keep up to date on the latest
Well this is where the SH system is different, it is a table of factors
each vehicle, then 3 or 4 factors in total to apply, its very easy, and
in a
couple of turns u know them all.
>The FMA system is breath of fresh air IMHO. It allows a nice level
>with a few modifiers without becoming too bogged down. An all around
>compromise and good system IMHO.
yeah its good isnt it, not so keen on DSII, but each to their own.
>BUT, I suspect I am in a small minority here, but I LOVE tables. A
>well laid-out chart/table can have literally magnitudes more detail
>subtly than either of these systems if the tables are constructed
>(IMHO). Sure, you have to look up the result each time you roll a
>if the tables can fit on a double sided sheet for play this is no real
>hardship IMHO.
Um I like knowing as soon as the dice stops, but hey, as long as its
and simple.