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Re: Rules questions

From: "Laserlight" <laserlight@q...>
Date: Fri, 19 Oct 2001 20:55:34 -0400
Subject: Re: Rules questions

From: Jim Callahan
>At the risk of sounding like a complete idiot and neophyte, what the
heck does FMA stand for? (i'll bet it's something easy to figure out
like Footsoldiers Marching Around)  I am too lazy to go to the archive
looking for it...

Full Metal Anorak, of course.

No, seriously.	Jon was in a whimsical mood one day, and combined Full
Metal Jacket with anoraks, which are apparently a sort of headgear
worn by pathetic nerds (as opposed to, say, us mature and competent
wargamers).  Voila, "Full Metal Anorak".  He wanted to trademark the
"Opposed Rolls Of Assorted Regular Polyhedral Dice For Combat
Resolution" and FMA was considered a bit easier to pronounce than
OROARPDFCR. Through mysterious oversight on the part of all previous
gamer designers throughout recorded history, no one had claimed the
phrase "Full Metal Anorak", so Jon seized the initiative, whereupon he
sped down to the handy local Patent and Trademark Office, and
registered it (the phrase, that is not the office), narrowly escaping
being trampled by the mob of other rabid game designers who were,
fortunately, seconds too late to stop Our Hero.

So StarGrunt is a FMA System game, and the next step down in scale is
FMA Skirmish.  There was also talk by some irresponsible elements that
the medieval variant would be Full Metal Codpiece, but fortunately
that has tapered off lately.

This is not to be confused with BDS, which is Bugs Don't Surf, wich is
(so I hear) going to be an aliens supplement for SG2.  Eventually.

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