Re: Depraved...
From: johncrim@v...
Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2001 15:24:27 -0500
Subject: Re: Depraved...
> I am looking for a set of rules to get total novices (junior
> and senior HS kids) involved in SF miniatures gaming. It
> would be great if they started off with VERY simple rules,
> and offered a bunch of options to gradually increase realism
> (and complexity).
> My goal, of course, is to build up a group of people worth
> stomping in an open fight (FT, DS or SG, doesn't matter. Or
> all three.)
The Big Three, as far as I am concerned, are:
Full Thrust for starships,
Ogre for microarmor,
and ShockForce for 25mm/28 skirmish.
All are quick, all are simple, and all are a lot of fun. Also, all of
them use d6s and
d6s only...I think that this is just a conincidence, though.
John Crimmins
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