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[HIST] Recent events and the GZG Universe (was: Thoughts on World Government)

From: "Bell, Brian K (Contractor)" <Brian.Bell@d...>
Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2001 11:44:40 -0400
Subject: [HIST] Recent events and the GZG Universe (was: Thoughts on World Government)

I too had some thoughts generated by the recent events.

Such things as:
 - What is the government of the IF like?
   - Does it support/employ terrorism? The destruction
     of Israel was 16 years before the IF was founded.
 - What IS the fine line between liberation/guerilla 
   fighters and terrorists? 

However, I think that it may still be too close to the
events to bring up such discussions.

Brian Bell

-----Original Message-----
From: Tomb []
Sent: Wednesday, September 26, 2001 10:47
Subject: [OT] [HIST] Thoughts on World Government

<DISCLAIMER: I hope no one considers this post in poor taste. Current
events and news items have drawn my attention and brought these thoughts
to mind. I'm not making "light fare" of any real-world happendings,
which are awful.>

In the wake of what has gone on recently, we're seeing 


I don't think "nations" will go away, even if we get some GZGverse-esque
World Gov't, because we still have a basic human need (sort of like the
needs for unity, security, freedom, etc) to differentiate ourselves -
this is what drives small groups to differentiate themselves (and
individuals from groups) into subsets of the larger whole. This won't go
away... but perhaps by 2183, a method of allowing this differentiation
exists while the larger governmental framework preserves the basic
safety and integrity of the world and deals with threats of global

Just a thought, but current events seem to have given us some grist for
the mill. 

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