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From: Glenn M Wilson <triphibious@j...>
Date: Mon, 24 Sep 2001 19:05:30 EDT
Subject: Re: FMA DSII+

>At 05:09 PM 9/24/2001 -0400, Roger Books wrote:
>>I looked through his mods and, while they look like they will work,
>>have a different feel than the SG system.  He is attempting to
>>duplicate the chit draw with dice.  I don't feel that is any more
>>realistic, and certainly more complicated that the SG method.

"Realism" in a science Fiction game with non-existent technologies (in
most cases) and occurring a whole bunch of years in the future is an
interesting concept.  Almost as interesting as painting lace collars on
my 6mm figures.  Realistic feeling results (No Class 5 kills with APSW's
- no close assault by 'normal' infantry using melee weapons resulting in
AFV destruction - no 'super characters' decimating whole platoons of
enemies by standing on a parapet and firing belts of ammunition for long
periods and never being hit by the platoon's return fire) in the game is
a definite "yes" but I am unsure what you are referring to as
unrealistic...	The Boom chit?	"Hits" that result in no effect on a
target?  Something else?

As for more complicated, drawing a chit or opposed dice rolls, neither
are exactly major time eaters.	Performing advanced Calculus using chalk
on a board to figure combat results, now that would be a time eater and
way more complicated.

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