Re: [SG] Unit Cohesion
From: Allan Goodall <awg@s...>
Date: Sat, 22 Sep 2001 13:16:20 -0400
Subject: Re: [SG] Unit Cohesion
On Sat, 22 Sep 2001 07:56:58 -0600, "mrUseless" <>
>(1) The models do not represent the actual positions of the troops. You
>declare the actual position of the models each time they are moved.
>actual models won't stand up on that hill, so I'll put them on top. But
>are really at the edge of the ridgeline, in hard cover".
Hills in SG2 are kind of vague. You get hard cover if you are beyond the
or ridgeline. Now, this is fine if you use rounded hills. What if you
use flat
topped hills? I just assume that a figure on the top of the hill is
under hard
There's also the question of the military crest versus the actual crest.
military crest is further forward. You are more vulnerable to fire from
another hill or from greater distance if you are on the military crest,
there is a major advantage if you are attacked by someone coming up the
you can fire on them! If you are behind the ridge crest or hill crest
actually can't fire on an enemy at the base of the ridge or hill.
My hills are usually flat on top. I adjudicate that a figure on the
edge of the hill is on the military crest. It's hard cover for figures
at a
lower elevation but only soft for figures on the same elevation. If the
is in the middle of the hill or further back than that, it's behind the
crest. It's hard cover for all attacks from the same elevation, but
figures at
the base of the hill can't be fired at or fire at them.
That's a long way around saying, "I usually don't have the figures
precisely where they are." For one thing, the game scale is 1" = 10
You can easily put a squad of guys into a 10 metre circle. That's about
size of a GZG figure's base. So, having the figures indicate EXACTLY
they are really doesn't work.
> This method is
>more is line with the groundscale of 1"=10m.
Exactly. That's why I do that.
>(2) A more WYSIWYG approach, if you can see a model you can hit it,
with a
>few restrictions.
I don't play it this way.
Allan Goodall
Goodall's Grotto:
"Now, see, if you combine different colours of light,
you get white! Try that with Play-Doh and you get
brown! How come?" - Alan Moore & Kevin Nolan,