Re: [SGish] APC question
From: "Ron Abitz" <abitz@r...>
Date: Mon, 13 Aug 2001 02:12:14 -0700
Subject: Re: [SGish] APC question
One thing you should consider is that most if not all modern U.S. tracks
least M1, M2-3 {bradleys}, 113 and variants) have a fire suppress system
that is triggered by fire or explosion that contains halon, a gass that
bonds with O2 makeing it unavalable to fuel the fire/explosion. Oh and
unadvalable to the crew/passangers so it is a real go Idea to get out.
Ron (ex US army track mechanic)
----- Original Message -----
From: "Bob Makowsky" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, August 13, 2001 3:19 AM
Subject: Re: [SGish] APC question
> Beth,
> I think it is going to be 2 separate rolls.
> The infantry section in the APC is going to react to the
> and if the APC is not moving they are going to get out. This would be
> represented by a roll from the Squad/Section leader of the infantry
> I would give a minus to the test (They really want to be outside the
> it is smoking/just hit) to remain inside. They should immediately fan
> some meters from the APC and go to ground covering their sector
> need a suppression but I would say they cannot move further that
> This will take place unless the Squad/Section leader immediately stops
> If the APC is still moving and seems like it is going to remain doing
> they should remain inside and wait for their Squad leader to tell them
> to do.
> The APC Crew is going to try to remain in the APC and get it working.
> them the TC (track commander) should roll as it will be his decision
> up the APC if it is unfunctional. It may take a turn for them to bail
> as they will be going through their immediate action drills to try to
> restart/emergency start/etc) the APC.
> Bob