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Re: [SGII] Ghurka Pipers - military trivia for the day - TERROR

From: Ryan Gill <rmgill@m...>
Date: Thu, 28 Jun 2001 21:01:08 -0400
Subject: Re: [SGII] Ghurka Pipers - military trivia for the day - TERROR

At 12:53 AM +0200 6/29/01, Derk Groeneveld wrote:
>Naw, I sill don't think bagpipes would generally get the bonus. But in
>specefic scenario's they could (e.g. out of the mist comes this eery
>noise... As opposed to 'across the parking lot comes rushing a bunch of
>guys, one of whom is playing a bagpipe' ;)

Hmm, I dunno, if you were just getting out of your car and a bunch of 
blokes with guns and a bagpipes came running across the parking lot, 
wouldn't you be a bit scared?

I'd personally start jumping up and down, but then I like bagpipes 
and am not so much of a sassanach (I'm part scots as many 'mericuns 

- Ryan Montieth Gill		DoD# 0780 (Smug #1) / AMA / SOHC -
-  I speak not for CNN, nor they for me -
- -

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