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RE: [FT]Sensors and Sensibility[LONG]

From: Ryan M Gill <rmgill@m...>
Date: Tue, 26 Jun 2001 12:55:06 -0400
Subject: RE: [FT]Sensors and Sensibility[LONG]

At 8:03 AM -0700 6/26/01, David Griffin wrote:
>Yes, but if you want the fastest possible ID,
>a fighter that can go 24" (or even 36") in any
>direction is a pretty seductive asset isn't it?

But that fighter is only going to give you a visual ID. No active 
scans mind you. Thats what a dedicated Scout with Enhanced or 
Superior active sensors and/or a SWACs is for....
>But even if we use regular scouts, that works too.
>Might even equip them with superior sensors. If
>the enemy destroys them, that's proof of their

But that still leaves you in an information void. What if they were 
intercepted by fighters? Could there be a carrier there? Were they 
intercepted by smaller vessels that have area defense?

- Ryan Montieth Gill		 ----------	      SW1025 H -
-   Internet Technologies  --  Data Center Manager (3N &10S)   -
- -
-		       -
-	      I speak not for CNN, nor they for me	       -
- C&R-FFL -	  The gunshow loophole isn't		 - NRA -
-	     keep federal laws out of private lives	       -	 

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