Re: Size Class Escalation -- How high in Mass?
From: David Griffin <carbon_dragon@y...>
Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2001 12:47:58 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: Size Class Escalation -- How high in Mass?
--- Roger Books <> wrote:
> The point values aren't balanced though, they assume
> a linear progression between size and NPV. A 200
> mass
> ship will take 2 100 mass ships most of the time due
> to the fact that it's firepower can toast one of the
> ships while they damage it. The second will go down
> quickly.
> I would call NPV closer to construction cost than
> combat
> ability. It seems to have worked fairly well in the
> extended campaign we played.
> Roger
That's interesting. For any kind of size ship
though (2 100 mass vs. 1 200 mass) my 200 mass
ships can't really kill a battlecruiser (100 mass)
in 1 round. At best it tends to threshhold it or
maybe a little better. Then it get's threshholded
by the fire of both the battlecruisers. For ships
that can be killed in 1 round though, I can see
how this could happen -- say a 60 mass ship vs.
2 30 mass ships. The 60 mass ship does maybe
enough damage to kill the light destroyer before
both can fire. Then it's mate is in deep trouble
next round.
It seems to me that the larger the ships, the less
this effect would be seen. Also the more ships there
are, probably the less this would be a problem since
any single ship wouldn't be that much of the cost
of the fleet (with the exception of 600 mass mobile
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