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Re: [ft] Fighter Momentum Conservation (was: [OT]Unpredictable AI)

From: Donald Hosford <Hosford.Donald@a...>
Date: Sun, 24 Jun 2001 03:21:02 -0400
Subject: Re: [ft] Fighter Momentum Conservation (was: [OT]Unpredictable AI)

Brian Bell wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> One of the nice things about FT is you can do what you want. So if
> that is the way you and your friends like to play, do so!

Too true.  Warp the game to suit your own needs!  I love this aspect of

> The only thing that I caution you about is that writing orders takes
> much more time than just moving a fighter group 24mu.

Orders?  We were supposed to be writing orders?  Actually we never
bothered writting orders in any game.  We would just move our units
however we felt.
In FT we do keep track of velocity, but thats it.

> On dogfights, if you are writing orders for fighters, then both
> players would need to write orders to place the fighters where they
> could dogfight. Why would they loose thier momentum just because
> another fighter is near?

One could ask why they didn't have it to begin with?

How about this idea:
Let each fighter squadron launch with it's carrier's velocity/vector,
just let it add/subtract/maneuver as needed.

> - ---
> Brian Bell
> ICQ: 12848051
> AIM: Rlyehable
> YIM: Rlyehable
> The Full Thrust Ship Registry:
> - ---

Prev: [FT] fighters are fighters, not small ships Next: [SG] [FMAS] Cybermen