why small ships
From: "Thomas Barclay" <kaladorn@f...>
Date: Sat, 23 Jun 2001 04:13:15 -0400
Subject: why small ships
Here are some justifications:
1) Large hull requires large shipyard. I do not
believe shipyard slippage construction costs
increase linearly, more likely as a power. Hence
large shipywards cost WAY much money, only
exist in certain places, etc. and this tends to
limit large constructions. Plus, someone
observed the labour issues about keeping
shipyard workers employed, for which smaller
vessels are better. Also from a political
perspective, spreading the military budget
around is better too. More political capitol to
be made if everyone's riding gets a small
2) Large ship maintenance costs may not scale
linearly either. Though I'm not positive.
3) If I have X large ships, or X*5 small ships,
and I have Y worlds to patrol, if X is far smaller
than Y, then there are a lot of places I can't be
and even crappy little enemy ships can do much
damage with raids, bombardments, and troop
drops. If I have 5*X small ships, I can probably
thwart this type of attack by distributing them
around. They show the flag. They take on
commerce raiders ( the real menace to any
interstellar economy), they provide eyes and
ears for intelligence agencies in many locations.
4) In a system scale battle, they enhance your
sensor net dramatically by bringing sensors on-
line in wide areas.
5) They are more expendable. Lose one and it
isn't the end of the world. Far better for recce.
Lose a CH or CL doing this and there will be
heads rolling at Fleet HQ.
6) They should be more stealthy in a larger
scale hide and seek game.
7) They can do swarm tactics.
8) To make them effective, try replacing some
of the beam armament with longer ranged
weapons such as: MTM, SMR-ER, Beam-3, Pulse
Torpedo. I find the P-torp DD (used in
squadrons) can make a nasty suprise - take a
run in, fire about 20 mu out, turn away. You
won't take that many casualties without the
enemy focusing a lot of firepower on you, and
you will do him some damage if you roll even
okay. And you can keep attacking (superior to
SMR-ER in terms of longevity of threat on the
battlefield - though SMRs give good one off
9) A Navy is not just called to fight wars. It must
transport diplomats, it must show the flag to
resolve local disputes, it must do customs
patrols, it must do search and rescue, it must
perform mercy missions. Use big ships to do
this and you incur an awful expense. Use a small
vessel suited to the task (tailoring smaller
vessels is also undoubtedly simpler - larger
ships tend to be generalist in nature).
10) I agree with the advice about trailing or
flanking. I don't agree with the "firebait" advice.
If your escorts preceed your force, they usually
are 1 RB closer, unscreened, and can be
induced to threshold with very minimal difficulty.
So very light amounts of fire render them
combat inoperative. The same fire would, if
directed at larger vessels, need to be far more
concentrated (range, sheilds, long damage
rows) to do anything useful. I can kill a large
number of beam 1 armed corvettes before
they ever see engagement range.... and thus I
destroy say 10-15% of your total NPV before
they can be combat effective (if I myself have
opted for an all large ship fleet). So try to get
long range weapons for your small guys, park
them behind the fleet (unless using them as
scouts, and once they locate the enemy, they
should be beating thrusters to get away to
safety having done their job) or off to one side,
thus presenting a threat "for later use". I don't
like small ships as PDS escorts, they tend to
attract fighters, SMs, MTs, and lots of beams
thus stripping the formation of PDS. I happen
to be a strong proponent of the light to
medium cruiser (or larger) PDS barge (if in the
kind of environment that merits heavy PDS).
Sorry for the long commentary. But there are a
number of reasons to have small ships, but
they tend mostly to revolve around detection,
dispersed force capability, and campaign
considerations that don't appear in one off
battles. If they are at a one off, they'd better
have some long range teeth and stay out of the
enemy gunsites for the early stages.