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Re: [ft] Fighter Momentum Conservation (was: [OT]Unpredictable AI)

From: Donald Hosford <Hosford.Donald@a...>
Date: Sat, 23 Jun 2001 03:25:37 -0400
Subject: Re: [ft] Fighter Momentum Conservation (was: [OT]Unpredictable AI)

Here are some quick thoughts on these questions.

Just treating each squadron as a ship seems simple to do you
haveing 28 ships on the table then?  Whats a few more?	The data sheet
for a
squadron seems much simpler than the simplest ship's data sheet anyway.

Dogfights -- one turn only...that is if neither side wishes to match
direction/velocity with the other, or stop.  If one wishes to, then the
dogfight continues.  If both wish to, they both stop right there and
the dogfight.

Fighters attacking ships -- The fighters get to attack a ship, if, (1)
it is in
range of the squadrons weapons, and (2) it is in the squadron's fire arc
important).  Then make your normal attack rolls, ect.

(I never understood why fighters needed their own move segment, their
attack segment, their own move system, ect.  Seems much simpler to treat
as very small ships -- Which is what they are anyway.)

Donald Hosford

Beth Fulton wrote:

> G'day Donald,
>  >Seems like a very simple "house rule fix" to me.
> Depends how many fighters you've got and how much they stick together
> guess. For instance last night we had a game with 16 NSL ships vs 12
> home-designed ships. Keeping track of these were easy as groups of
> were going at the same speed in the same direction on each side, but
of the
> 10 fighter groups on the board I can think of only 2 that actually had
> common speed and heading. A bit more of a headache for a start. Also
how do
> you handle dogfights, does side A or B's direction and thrust become
> one used for both or do they only last one turn or are they unlikely
> fullstop and what about when doing an attacking run on a ship do you
> match course and speed or risk major damage as your tear yourself off
> course to attack the ship? Once you get to that end of things its not
> an easy fix anymore ;)
> Cheers

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