Re: Sa'Vasku
From: Charles Taylor <charles.taylor@c...>
Date: Thu, 21 Jun 2001 19:15:21 +0100
Subject: Re: Sa'Vasku
In message <>
Beth Fulton <> wrote:
Hi Beth,
> G'day guys,
[snip quotes]
> Personally I reckon this restriction will introduce a flaw rather than
> solution. If you limit the power generators to even 30% and your
> still wants to build a 3000 (or whatever) point monster then they'll
end up
> having HEAPS more biomass to soak up damage with. The best way to
> an SV is make them lose biomass (especially if they do it by over
> in the drone or pod production area). Wounded SV slump fast. Thinking
> to the numbers I ran in May this restriction did make their cost for
> about the same as humans but knocked their damage soak ability up so
> an equivalent human ship could only take about 70% in comparison.
Well, the rest of my comment did kinda say the same thing - if the
monster don't have all power, it'll have all biomass.
> Once you incorporate the suggested changes (9" range bands etc) the SV
> (even the monster ships) are no more scary than home built human
ships. A
> 2000 point human ship can match range and hitting power of an
> NPV SV ship. They can't match the speed obviously, but when they have
> exactly the same range why bother, just sit and wait for him to come
in. If
> you don't wish to go that path then there are a heap of other options
> of small ships instead). OK this isn't what some of you are
> with, unfortunately combatting aliens is gonna take us places we're
> unfamiliar or uncomfortable with ;)
> I think the larger problem is "standard" safe anti-human tactics don't
> (much) against the SV (whereas you can get away with them vs KV or
PH), but
> then you can't play the SV like humans and pull it off often either.
> Just my 2 razoos worth of rant ;)
> Cheers
> Beth
In some respects, the Sa'Vas'Ku are _disadvantaged_ compared to other
races - check out their defences, for example (not counting interceptor
pods here)
Screen Node - same MASS & COST as equivalent level of screens
Spicules - same MASS & COST as PDS system.
But both these systems need power to work as well, while the human
versions don't.
Likewise repairs
None-SV ships get to make damage control rolls for free, based on the
crew factor.
SV have to spend both power and precious biomass to get systems back on